What is my massage milking table?

The art of a milking table erotic massage is distinctive experience that seamlessly blends the therapeutic benefits of a traditional massage with an enticing sensual twist. Executed on a specialized custom massage table, strategically designed with a discreet gloryhole opening, this massage invites exploration of the receiver's penis as they lay face down. The focus is on delivering a harmonious fusion of relaxation and stimulation, tailored to fulfill both physical and sensual desires.

The term "milking" denotes the rhythmic and pleasurable stimulation of the receiver's erogenous zones, with a focus on the genitals.. The specialized table is pivotal, offering a secure and comfortable platform for the receiver to unwind and savor the massage. Tailored to your individual preferences, a milking table erotic massages can vary from sensual and intimate sessions focused on relaxation to more intense experiences emphasizing sexual pleasure. Successful outcomes hinge on open communication between us, ensuring mutual comfort and satisfaction.

The advantages of a milking table erotic massage extend beyond the immediate pleasure, influencing both physical and mental well-being. Beyond muscle tension relief and improved circulation, the erotic dimension provides emotional release and a heightened connection with one's body and sexuality. This intimate experience fosters trust and intimacy, positively impacting relationships.

This form of massage has gained popularity in recent times as a means to amplify sexual pleasure while concurrently fostering relaxation and stress relief. As your erotic massage provider, I use my custom milking table to the fullest extent. I get on top for a bodyslide and below the table. Longer edging sessions can create whole body intense orgasms due to the increased bloodflow to your penis. My milking table is only limited to both of our imaginations. While my table does have a 200kg working limit. I can fufil your desires in a safe, sensual environment. The custom gloryhole does not have any limitations in terms of penis size as the hole is large and accessible for me.

As an experienced and sensual provider. I invite you to embrace the distinctive pleasures of a milking table erotic massage. Beyond it’s unique combination of traditional massage benefits and erotic allure, this experience holds the potential to enhance physical and mental well-being, as well as deepen connections between partners. Emphasizing open communication and mutual respect, our establishment ensures a satisfying and enjoyable experience for all involved.

Avery Fires

Sex Worker


What should you expect in a first time Milking Table Massage Session?


5 Reasons to get a Milking Table Erotic Massage in Melbourne